Since the warmer weather has arrived, my reading has picked up a bit. I have been an avid reader since my pre-teen years (Laura Ingalls Wilder) through teen years (Judy Blume and Sidney Sheldon) and well into adulthood (think just about anything except for those Harlequin Romances - yuck!).
At any rate, I have read some great books recently and I wanted to share on this blog. Since I couldn't possibly list every book I've ever read, I think I will list the last few, give a shout-out to what I'm reading now and what I have on deck next.
I think I will make this an regular post since I love sharing titles with others.
Happy Summer Reading!
Just Finished:
Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner
I have read all of Jennifer Weiner's books and LOVED them all. They made one into a movie last year with Cameron Diaz -- In Her Shoes. While the movie was good, the book was much better.

The Dead Don't Dance by Charles Martin
I read this book on recommendation from a friend. She said that she loved it and couldn't put it down. She also said that everyone else who she loaned it to said the same thing. So, I gave it a look-see. I loved it, too.

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Ok, I am probably one of the last people on the planet to read this, but I -- #1: hate hardbook books and #2: hate buying the "oversized" paperbacks that the publishers push for $14.00 each. So, I was in Costco awhile back and saw it in a normal paperback size for $4.29. Sold. I read the entire thing on my vacation in April in Key West. One of the best books I've read in a long time.

(Wow -- my images are getting smaller and smaller! LOL)
Currently Reading:
Marley and Me by John Grogan
This is a true story about couple and their first dog together - Marley. I was originally attracted to the book because the author currently resides in the Philly area and writes for the local newspaper - the Philadelphia Inquirer. I am enjoying it so far, but I know that this is the story about the life of a dog and I just know that I'm going to be a blubbering mess at the end. Gonna have to make sure I'm not on the train when I finish up!

Next on My List:
The Idiot Girl's Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro
The first book of Laurie's that I picked up was Autobiography of a Fat Bride. I think I either read in the paper or online that it was on some kind of top-something-or-other list and decided to check it out. Well, I laughed my ass off! I was hooked. Each book is a collection of short story chapters about actual events in the author's life with a comedic spin on it. However, the funniest - I mean laugh out loud so people are staring at you - book so far has been I Love Everybody and Other Atrocious Lies. I've passed it along to several others and all are in agreement. I HIGHLY recommend all you women out there to check out this hysterical storyteller.

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