Saturday, June 14, 2008
Ok, I've been tagged by a fellow Blogger. More like poked in the arm (or back of the head) to wake me the hell up from this stupid depression that has had a hold on me for months now.........

So, here goes:

Where were you ten years ago? Ten years ago, I was a newlywed trying to figure out how to share bathroom and bedroom space with a MAN. This was all a new concept for me. (yeah, I was a late bloomer.) I was also finishing my degree by taking college courses at night plus working 40 hours a week. Honestly, I don't know how I did it.

Five items on your To-Do list today
1. Finish up some loose ends at work before my 3 days off later in the week.
2. Pack up 2 books that sold on and get them ready for mailing.
3. Continue to listen to the audio CD that I copied to my iPod.
4. Take a walk around the neighborhood no matter how late I get home from work (esp since tv is a bit of a bust right now).
5. Go to bed by 10:30 (this is iffy - I can't seem to get to bed on time lately.)

Snacks I Enjoy: Popcorn without butter (yes, really), pretzels (both soft & hard), dark chocolate M&M's, Baked Lays, frozen yogurt, ice cream from the farm (there are 2 dairy farms in my neck of the woods).

What would you do if you were a billionaire? First, I would take care of my parents & my brother. Travel extensively, buy real estate in Europe, write a book, start a business just for fun. Support the arts - theater, museums, etc. - through charitable donations or fundraising. The possibilities are endless.

Places I would live: UK (London), Italy (Venice or Florence), Southern California, anywhere where there is easy access to the beach and the ocean.

Bloggers I'm passing the challenge on to: anyone who feels like doing it! No pressure!
posted by Sue at 1:33 PM |


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Emily

Yay! I'm glad you did it too. Mostly I'm glad you're out of your funk. I'm sorry you've been feeling shitty. I hope you're back to your happy self. That sounds like a great to do list. I wish I could walk tonight, but it's freaking pouring!