Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Only one more day to go until I am finished work and leave for my 8-day vacation in Italy!! I so deserve this! Chris and I both deserve it. Ok, maybe I deserve it more ;o)!

Preparing for vacation sucks though. People at work are bombarding me with questions and last minute requests, house stuff needs to get done, a cat-sitter needs to be lined up. Ugh. I need a vacation just to recover from preparing for vacation!

I will do a quick weigh-in on Thursday morning, so I have an accurate account of my weight before we leave. Hopefully, any damage that I do on the food front will be offset by the voluminous amount of walking that we will be doing. But, I am not going to obsess about it. I want to enjoy myself, but I firmly believe that I have learned some new behaviors that will curb my excessiveness of past vacations. I've worked so hard to get these first 15 lbs off and I don't want to have to start all over again!

Reconnection is my other goal for the next 8 days. Chris and I desperately need to reconnect. If we don't, then some serious thinking needs to be done upon our return. At least we are going with another couple so we won't be "stuck" with just each other all day!!!

posted by Sue at 2:49 PM |