Thursday, June 15, 2006
Since the warmer weather has arrived, my reading has picked up a bit.  I have been an avid reader since my pre-teen years (Laura Ingalls Wilder) through teen years (Judy Blume and Sidney Sheldon) and well into adulthood (think just about anything except for those Harlequin Romances -  yuck!).
At any rate, I have read some great books recently and I wanted to share on this blog.  Since I couldn't possibly list every book I've ever read, I think I will list the last few, give a shout-out to what I'm reading now and what I have on deck next.
I think I will make this an regular post since I love sharing titles with others.
Happy Summer Reading!
Just Finished:
Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner
I have read all of Jennifer Weiner's books and LOVED them all.  They made one into a movie last year with Cameron Diaz -- In Her Shoes.  While the movie was good, the book was much better.
The Dead Don't Dance by Charles Martin
I read this book on recommendation from a friend.  She said that she loved it and couldn't put it down.  She also said that everyone else who she loaned it to said the same thing.  So, I gave it a look-see.  I loved it, too.
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Ok, I am probably one of the last people on the planet to read this, but I -- #1: hate hardbook books and #2: hate buying the "oversized" paperbacks that the publishers push for $14.00 each.  So, I was in Costco awhile back and saw it in a normal paperback size for $4.29.  Sold.  I read the entire thing on my vacation in April in Key West.  One of the best books I've read in a long time.
(Wow -- my images are getting smaller and smaller!  LOL)
Currently Reading:
Marley and Me by John Grogan
This is a true story about couple and their first dog together - Marley.  I was originally attracted to the book because the author currently resides in the Philly area and writes for the local newspaper - the Philadelphia Inquirer.  I am enjoying it so far, but I know that this is the story about the life of a dog and I just know that I'm going to be a blubbering mess at the end.  Gonna have to make sure I'm not on the train when I finish up!
Next on My List:
The Idiot Girl's Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro
The first book of Laurie's that I picked up was Autobiography of a Fat Bride.  I think I either read in the paper or online that it was on some kind of top-something-or-other list and decided to check it out.  Well, I laughed my ass off!  I was hooked.  Each book is a collection of short story chapters about actual events in the author's life with a comedic spin on it.  However, the funniest - I mean laugh out loud so people are staring at you - book so far has been I Love Everybody and Other Atrocious Lies.  I've passed it along to several others and all are in agreement.  I HIGHLY recommend all you women out there to check out this hysterical storyteller.
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posted by Sue at 6:42 PM |


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Scarlett O'Hara

hmmmm...we are hitting Costco this sunday...i just may have to jot a couple titles down. haven't read a book in years! LOL...


At 4:26 AM, Blogger Sue

Jan -- Laurie Notaro's books are great easy reads. Each chapter is a different story. So many times I found myself saying "been there, done that" after reading them.

And, Costco is GREAT for books. So cheap, but you are kind of limited. Have fun!


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Bear

I do want to read "The DaVinci Code". Not a big reader, magazines and techinical manuals yea but not normally reading just to read. The last book was "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy. I'm the exact opposite on hardback books, don't really like the small print in paperbacks (sucks to be old, LOL).


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Emily

I LOVE Jennifer Weiner. I have to read that one. She was on the Tony Danza show yesterday. His show is awful, but I watched to see her. I also have the Davinci Code, but haven't yet read it. I have to pick up the pace. I always read during the summer. Thanks for the recommendations!


At 10:00 AM, Blogger heavenlydm

I loved Judy Blume (sigh), and I loved In Her Shoes. Hmmmm...I may have to take a look at those booksies.