Saturday, October 22, 2005
God-damnit, I am such a slug.

I don't know what in the hell happened to me this past week, but I feel emotionally like crap this morning especially after stepping on the scale. (I won't bore you with my inappropriate food choices.) I wasn't even going to weigh myself today because I knew that I was having a crappy week. But, I did it anyway. I needed to make myself accountable for my actions and to prove to myself that I am NOT one of those people who can eat everything not nailed down and still lose weight. I am such an idiot.

Ok, I'm done.

I have my own personal challenge (see sidebar) that I set up for myself and I'm going to participate in the NS Bloggers Challenge. All I want to do is lose a stinkin' 15 lbs by Christmas Eve. Is that too much to ask of myself? Apparently, it was too much to ask this week.

So, I'm thinking that I got it all out of my system and will be back on track. My plan is to stick to the NS food for breakfast and lunch. I want to start incorporating "real food" for dinners. The reason is two-fold. First, like everyone else right now, I'm kind of bored with the NS dinners. And, second, I'm feeling sorry for Chris. Since I have been on NS, during the week he's been eating microwaveable, frozen dinners every night. It's not that he can't cook. He's an awesome cook. He just hates cooking for one. Healthwise, he shouldn't been eating those dinners even if they are the SmartOnes and Healthy Choice ones. Too much sodium for his high blood pressure.

Another habit that I (we) have fallen back into is the weekend dinners out - every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is SO EASY to overeat when I go out to eat. I say that I'm going to exercise portion-control and I do pretty well for awhile and then I hit a skid where I act like it's my last meal ever on this planet. I guess I need to focus on what else is going on in my life when these instances occur. I'm sure that it's an emotional-eating thing.

Exercise is the other bullet on my plan. I quit the gym. I had a membership at a local gym for the past 5 1/2 years, but in the past year, I've only gone a handful of times. It really was a waste of money plus an added stress in my mind (I should go to the gym!) everyday. When I joined, we lived 5 minutes away. We moved and now live 15 minutes away. It doesn't sound like much, but when I go home first (because I hate getting changed at the gym), I just do not feel like leaving again esp during the winter months. It's not really a good reason, but it is my reality. It is what it is.

Last January, I bought an ellipical machine and put it in my basement. I love it. I go down there 2 - 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Ok, that's the plan, not the reality.

So, the next project is to clean out the basement and get some weight(s) equipment. Chris wants a weight bench and I'd like to get a set of free weights. He also wants a reclining exercise bike. I'm thinking that if I have a pleasant place to go to every day that is only a flight of stairs away, then I will do it everyday. Maybe not all of it, but some of it.

Sounds do-able.
posted by Sue at 5:46 AM |


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Shorty Montes

You Go Girl!!!

You made the Vision, now that you have it written down, GO FOR IT!!! We all on here can help each other be accountable to our goals. Mine is to be in Onederland by the end of the year. I haven't made the best choices in eating either. I went out last night and had chicken & biscuts with a side of Broccoli. Plate was HUGE but I didn't eat all the biscuits (way too much) and only ate less than half of the rest of everything else. Oh yeah did I mention that it has mashed potatoes and Gravy with it too. MMMMMMMMMMMM My downfall. (amongst others) LOL But I feel I did pretty good. It was someones bitrhday & I did pass on the cake. Well Weigh in for this NS Blogger Challenge is Monday. Good Luck with your Side Bar Goals. And let me know if you ever need anything. I am here.

Sherri G


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Sheryl

I do great with breakfast & lunch NS foods, but I have a shelf FULL of NS dinners. I wish I could only order B & L and I would go for it. Dinner is the toughest meal for me for all your same reasons. If I cook for the kids, I just tend to eat the same foods. When Mike is home, he will cook for the 3 of them and I try to stay away from what ever yummy food they are eating, but that is becoming more difficult every time.
It looks like you have a great plan set up, now just need to stick to it.
We have a mini-gym in our basement, so we just need the ambition to get down there. I would love to add an ellipical machine, perhaps if I can make a real commitment, it may happen. I have found walking/jogging on the treadmill works wonders. Starting next week the alarm clock goes back to 5 AM to get our asses in gear.
15 lbs by Christmas? That is doable, it could be tough. Less than 10 weeks until the big day - I tend to be a .5 to 1 lb per week loser when I am in gear, so if I can do the 15 it would be a huge accomplishment for me. I will be here to cheer you on!!


At 11:19 AM, Blogger Tina

"Sounds do-able"

It is do-able. We gotta get our butts in gear. I'm thinking about joining the challenge, as well, but not sure yet. My goal is another 15 pounds, too.

We can do this.


At 5:30 PM, Blogger Bob

Sue, listen to these people. You can lose 15 pounds by Christmas. Just focus and give yourself something to strive for. Tell Chris you have this goal and want him to give you a reward for making it. Something to motivate you.

I am looking for 18 more pounds by Christmas. Each of us can hit these goals. It just takes a little more work and sacrifice.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Hey Lady's doable...we all can do's just who we are and what we do...I think we get ourselves in least that is my problem. I used to power walk 5 miles in just over an hour and ride a bike all the time...then for some reason I quit it all. It sucks.
I found this and thought you might be interested...if you already don't have it.
Have a great one!


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Scarlett O'Hara

God Damn it! you are not a slug...



At 3:44 AM, Blogger Sue

Thank you all for your positive comments!! Sometimes I need to hear these things to get me out of my funk......

I'm hoping the NSB Challenge will get my ass in gear for the holidays. The only reward that I want is NSV's from family and friends on how great I'm doing.

I know that I can do it!