Friday, September 30, 2005
The ugly, green monster called Jealousy is rising from the depths of my emotions yet again today.

I am meeting the "girls" for dinner tonight. The four of us get together every few months (see earlier post). I say the "girls" and not "friends" because really only one of them - Barb - is a friend. The other two - Kris and Lisa - are just people that Barb and I met in an exercise class at the local Y about 10 years ago. (see earlier post - again)

Anyway, Barb called me last night to tell me that she is taking a new class with Kris and to be prepared because she has lost a ton of weight and is now a "skinny bean". Well, not exactly a "skinny bean", but much thinner than she was when I last saw her in May.

Enter the ugly, green monster.

Well, I'm glad that Barb called me ahead of time to prepare me so I don't "wear my emotions on my sleeve" all night. I have a tendency to do that. I try not to, but I can't seem to stop it. I just never was one of those people who could smile and congratulate another person while silently seething and/or crying inside. I suck.

I really am happy for her weight loss. But, this is like the 4th time around for her and every…….time……. she……loses…….weight, she has to talk about it -- what she's doing, how she's doing it, what her husband thinks about it, what her father thinks about it, how she's going to keep it off this time -- yada, yada, yada. UGH!! I wish she talked about being fat as much as she talks about being skinny. She is going to monopolize the entire conversation for the evening and keep the topic on weight loss. I would really much rather talk about something else. I HATE talking about weight. Maybe I'll get a beer just to piss her off (she doesn't drink alcohol).

I really do not know why I put myself through this. I guess I do it to spend some time with Barb plus it only takes up about 90 minutes of my time every 3-4 months.

I will update tomorrow………………..
posted by Sue at 8:25 AM |


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Bob

That jealously you talk about is understandable, Sue. But don't discount what you have accomplished. A 23 pound loss is great. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your dinner. I hope you enjoyed that beer too.


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Sue

Thanks Bob -- I don't discount what I've done. Maintaining a 23lb loss is a HUGE victory for me. In the past, I would have given up long ago. I am determined this time.

And, yes I did enjoy that beer -- Sam Adams Light. Never had it before. I liked it -- alot.