Friday, July 15, 2005
Some readers may be a bit confused as to why I have two different weights posted in my sidebar. Or, perhaps most readers don't even read it nor even care to read it. But, at any rate, I feel the need to explain.

My NS weigh-in day is Saturdays. When the NS Challenge started, I was asked to supply my weight on a Friday. I know that one day should not make that much of a difference, but it did. I like to weigh myself in the morning. For the challenge, I weighed myself at night. I ALWAYS weigh heavier at night. Today is challenge weigh day. I am off from work so I weighed myself this morning (which is the same weight as my NS weight last week - hence probably no change for NS week 12) . We'll see if tomorrow's weight for NS weigh-in day is any less than today. Probably not, but you never know. (Have quite a bit of water weight this week)

This seems to be the week for NSV's. I also had one on Wednesday. Hmm, what was it about Wednesday this week - was it a full moon?? I ran into a friend from work who I haven't seen in about a month. We work in different departments and have different hours. Anyway, I was on my way to the company cafeteria to get some fruit for breakfast and she was on her way out. We stopped to chat for a few minutes. I was mid-question to her when she blurts out (she blurts alot - she's very blunt) "you've lost weight - you look good". Now, she doesn't know that I'm dieting (I hate that word, but it works for this story), so this was my first REAL NSV comment! I don't know how to describe how I felt. Embarassed & shy at first - I didn't want to react in the wrong way (see previous post on Compliments). So, I shrugged and said "yeah, I've lost a few" and continued with my conversation. We chatted a bit more and then she said it AGAIN, but added on "how are you doing it?" So I told her that I was following NS, but she really didn't know what I was talking about. If it's not about sports or cats, she really has no clue what's going on around her. She just replied, "you look good" then "I wish I could lose some" and then proceeded to complain about how she can't lose weight. I truly feel bad for her because she used to be very athletic and was always very trim and in shape. She could eat whatever she wanted and drink beer every weekend and never had to worry about it. But she took a bad fall a few years ago and messed up her back pretty bad so she was really restricted in her movements and hence put on quite a bit of weight. She still can't play sports, but she still eats the same way and can't understand why she can't lose the weight. I feel for her, I really do - but she's a hard-headed, depressed, "woe-is-me" kind of person, so whatever I say won't be heard anyway. I can only lead by example on this one. She is also friends with my buddy, Russ, who is also doing NS (down 23 lbs so far! Yeah, Russ!) so perhaps between the 2 of us, she will be inspired. I can only hope so.

Overall, it wasn't too bad of a week. I was a bit down early in the week. I'm only 1/2 lb away from 20 lbs and it seems like it took FOREVER to get the first 20 off. I'm still in the 200's, but I'm only 1.5 lbs away from the weight I was 2 years ago before I started Weight Watchers (I started WW at 217). It is so easy to get discouraged and bored with watching I want to be able to eat and not think about it. I'm finishing up on my 12th week and figure my average has been about 6 lbs per month. It seems slow. I keep saying in my head "slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady wins the race".

Ok, I'm done. Thanks for reading.
posted by Sue at 7:29 AM |