Monday, July 31, 2006
Ok, I am still on the planet.  Trying desperately to KEEP COOL!!
I've been doing some re-evaluating in recent weeks. 
I will be posting soon!
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posted by Sue at 3:32 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
It's been 230 years since this great country of ours came to be.  230 years.  That's a lot of years!
I remember when we celebrated the Bicentennial in 1976.  I was almost 9 years old (September), but my parents, aunts and uncles made a huge deal out of it.  We had a huge picnic at my house with all of my family members plus a few friends thrown in for good measure.  (I wish I had a picture, but I don't have any of them at my house.)  My one aunt is very craft and she took ordinary bathroom tiles and painted about 50 of them in a patriotic theme as a sort of  "party favor" for all the guests.  Other than the fact that it rained all day (figures), that's about all that I remember of that celebration.
Independence Day is always a big deal in Philadelphia for reasons that are obvious.  I, personally, haven't been to any of the festivities in years.  I used to go to the big fireworks display at Penn's Landing every year.  I just got lazy and tired of crowds.  Plus, I am in Center City for 5 days a week and am grateful to be out of it for the weekends and holidays!  I have a co-worker who attends the big soiree in July 4th at the Art Museum every year.  She's lived in Philadelphia her whole life and loves everything about the city.  I love Philadelphia, just not enough to sit in a hot crowd for hours on end!
Anyway, Happy Birthday, USA!  I hope everyone has a great time celebrating!

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posted by Sue at 7:21 AM | 5 comments