We're flying out of Philly into Miami then driving from Miami to Key West. It'll be a long day, but I love flying and can't wait to experience the drive down the highway through the Keys. I think I covered this in an earlier post. Anyway, we're flying home on Friday, so we will at least have the weekend to recover and ease back into back-to-work mode. ::sigh::
I'm going to miss my cats, but my dad will be stopping by every day to check on them, so they shouldn't be too lonely. The Little Princess (Lucy the kitten) will be in for a bit of a shock. This will be our first extended trip where we left her alone. She sleeps with us every night. She's not going to be a happy camper!
Anyway, better get back to packing and setting up all my VCR's for this week's tv shows. Of course, they are all new this week.
Later -- I'm outta here!