Saturday, January 14, 2006
posted by Sue at 1:59 PM

LOL...hey Sue! let's meet up and get the big poofy hair~dos!! hehehe...
i never did do that. thought it was silly and they all looked funny. but Desperately Seeking Susan was one of my fav movies. I still watch it now when it comes on tv. LOLOL... told me I'm confused - not knowing what decade I'm living in. ROFLMBO!!! The nerve!
Hey - i like your new pic in your profile! Great smile!
hey!! i like the new pic!!!! i didnt recognize you!!! hehehe...
very cute!! :-)
Sheryl/Scarlett: thanks for the nice comments about my new picture. I so rarely look decent, I'm usually making a face. I guess this was a candid shot at Christmas.
Heaven: Too funny!
Sue...I took that quiz too and got the same result as you! Love the new pic!
Took the test and ended up in the 80's... had a few I didn't do well with, think the questions were not aimed at men. I see by your info bar you are still losing, Keep it up and good luck!