Ok, so here's a picture of my new Rudolph Village that I bought in installments this past year from Collectibles Today. All the buildings light up - there is Santa's Castle, Hermey's Dentist Office, Comet's Reindeer Flight Camp, Rudolph's House and Santa's Workshop. There is also the Christmas tree with the Bumble putting the star on top. The tree lights up, too. There are little figures of Santa & Mrs. Claus, Hermey the Elf, Yukon Cornelius, Rudolph & Clarice and the Burl Ives Snowman Guy (not sure of his name in the show). And, finally, there is a string of lamp-posts that you are supposed to put throughout the village. They light up, too, but I'm having a hard time keeping them upright. I tried to put some of that snow "fluff" stuff around, but it looked stupid. So, it is a snowless village. It's cute and so far (knock wood) the kitten has left it alone. Thank God for small favors.
Speaking of the kitten -- Lucy will be leaving us for a couple of days while she gets her spay and de-claw surgery. Now, before any of you go ballistic on me about the de-claw, my 2 boys have had it done with no problems. Yeah, I know, how would I like it if someone decided that the first joint of my fingers should be cut off, blah blah blah. If it was truly horrible, no respectible veterinarian would perform the surgery. Also, in my defense, Chris and I seriously considered not getting her done, but she is just BAD with the claws and she WILL NOT, under any circumstances, let me clip her nails myself. The way she screams before I even touch a paw would make the neighbors think I was ripping her leg right out of its socket. Lordy, the screeching!! Plus, my hands, arms and back are shredded from her playing and climbing on me all the time. But, bottom line, she is my Miss Beetle, Beetlebug, Baby Girl and I will miss her snuggles under the covers for 2 nights. However, the boys, I believe, will enjoy the small vacation from her endless energy.
Christmas preparations are moving along as well as can be expected. Chris had a minor procedure done to the bottom of his foot last Monday which has pretty much put a kink in our usual holiday running around. To make a long story short, he went to the dermatologist back in October after accidentally half-ripping off a skin tag under his arm. He had the rest of it removed along with another one under the other arm. The doc wanted to look at all of his skin then since it had been awhile since he'd been to see him and his mother has a history of skin melanomas. The doc takes a look at a mole on the arch of his left foot and decides he doesn't like the look of it and wants it removed asap. Huh? He gives Chris the name of a cosmetic surgeon who he sees in November. The only available appt for the removal between 11/7 and March 2006 is Dec 12th. Right smack in the middle of December. Figures. He feels bad about it but what can he do. Anyway, we are still waiting to hear about the biopsy results. We're keeping our fingers crossed that it comes back normal and no further tissue removal is required. He's been a trooper though. He went shopping yesterday with me even though he sat in the car most of the time.
So, as I said, preparations are moving along. 90% of the gifts are bought. None are wrapped. All the ingredients I need to bake are bought. None are mixed or baked. I still need to find containers to put the cookies and breads in to give to people. Christmas cards were finally tackled on Thursday evening and mailed on Friday. Personal family cards are bought and signed. Tree is up and decorated. House is decorated - inside and out.
I just wish I was more in the spirit. I don't know what it is. I usually love this time of year. The carols, the decorations, the gift buying, the wrapping. I can't put my finger on it. It's like something is missing. Or, maybe I am just bored with the whole process this year. Maybe I just need to switch it up a bit. I don't know. I'll have to give it some more thought.
On the food front, I am maintaining and that is all I can ask for this month considering I usually gain about 5-10 lbs during the time between Thanksgiving and the New Year. Yeah, I'm satisfied with maintaining my weight with the goal of kicking my ass in gear in 2006. It's all good.
Anyhoo, only 3 days of work this week - Mon, Tue, Wed. I'm off Thursday and Friday. The office is closed on the 26th in observance of Christmas and I also took the 27th as a vacation day. Then, only 3 days of work next week (Wed-Fri) and another 3 day weekend since our office is also closed on Jan 2nd in observance of New Years Day. Cool beans!